To Request books

If you need books delivered locally in Fairfield County please complete this on line form. (LOCAL ONLY)

If you want books delivered by mail either overseas or throughout the US please contact Darien Book Aid Plan

To Donate books

If you would like to donate directly to, feel free to contact us directly

If you are looking for a convenient drop off, you can give books to:  

Greenwich: The Book Shed at the Holly Hill Recycling Center is open on Friday and Saturday mornings from 8am - noon. This is our primary source of books as takes all the excess children's books each week.

In Darien: Drop books off at Darien Book Aid Plan at 1926 Post Road, Darien, Ct  The front vestibule is open 24/7 for donations. Many of the books donated here will go overseas for Peace Corps volunteers, but we are beginning to do more local requests.  Learn more about DBA by clicking here

In Stamford Drop books at the Ferguson Library Book Store. If you have a small number you can bring them into the bookstore located on the left side of the lobby. If you have a lot of books you can drop them at the loading dock behind the library which is reached via the parking lot on Spring Street.